Monday, 24 September 2012

The Good, The Bad, The Terrible: Films I Have Recently Viewed

I will tell you what has been a fantastic investment- my Cineworld Unlimited Card. I am in film heaven! Since I got my card it is fair to say I have taken full advantage of it. I have been going film crazy over the last few weeks, watching everything from the surprisingly excellent \\\'Hope Springs\\\' to the darn right awful (awful is kind) \\\'Keith Lemon: The Movie\\\'. This blog was set up so I could do film reviews, but as of yet I have been very slack. I would apologise if I thought anyone really cared! As I have been slack I thought I would do a brief summary of most of the films I have viewed over the last few weeks, and then in the weeks to come I will hopefully write some proper individual reviews for the films I view.

Right then, \\\'The Good\\\':

\\\'Hope Springs\\\': 8/10
Out of all the films I have watched of late, this came as the biggest shock to me. I went in expecting to not enjoy it, but I have to say, I loved it. Yes it was cringeworthy in places, but good humoured cringeworthy-ness. It was funny, engaging, charming, all pulled together by its two leading stars in Tommy Lee Jones and Meryl Streep. Streep is not often outdone, but Jones\\\' performance as the stubborn husband is one of my favourite performances this year. Maybe it is just me, but I would not watch this with my parents. I will not go in to too much detail, but I will never be able to look at Meryl Streep the same again after watching this. \\\'Hope Springs\\\', get on it! Highly recommended.

\\\'Anna Karenina\\\': 7.5/10
I went in expecting a rather slow paced drama-type film. I was pleasantly surprised. The way it was shot impressed me the most, despite the very talented cast. Most of the film was based in a theatre setting which fitted well to the storyline. Love, betrayal, lust... it all seemed to be one big play. It was quicker than I expected which made it more engaging for someone who does not usually watch these sorts of films, which I really liked. As mentioned previously, the talented cast did not disappoint either with their performances. Definitely worth a watch.

\\\'The Sweeney\\\': 7/10
Ben Drew (Plan B) is a talented bloke. He not just raps and sings, he once again proves he can act. Cockney crime films are not usually my cup of tea and I did worry about how cheesy and stereotypical this could be. This was not the case. It was not just engaging with well put together action scenes that were not too drawn out, it added humour and emotion in to the mix well, as well. I am glad I watched it and I would definitely recommend.

\\\'The Watch\\\': 7/10
With an impressive group of comedy actors, including the ever impressive Vince Vaughn, this film did not disappoint. Not a classic comedy film, but it is certainly one which is consistent in its \\\'lol\\\' inducing abilities. If you fancy a laugh and enjoy seeing aliens running around in supermarkets on the big screen, go and see this film.

\\\'House at the End of the Street\\\': 6/10
I would not go as far as to say this is a particularly good film, but I can not ruin my blog title can I? It is more of a psychological horror film than one that will make you particularly jump out of your seat, which I was surprised about. I must state this film only received as high as 6 because of the twist, of which unfolded about two thirds of the way in to the film. Before that I thought it was pretty mediocre. I did not see the twist coming. Maybe I might have, but the first hour of the film had me pretty bored. I am not usually quick to twig on these things anyways. But yeah, the twist was good. Dark ad twisted like it should be for a horror film. Oh and Jennifer Lawrence can sing! I did not know that. I advise you to watch the last 40 minutes of this film. Ignore the first hour of this film, I will sum that up for you if you so require!

\\\'Lawless\\\': 7/10
Stupidly I watched this when I had literally two hours of on and off sleep, so I was nearly dropping off at the beginning of this film. That is not to say the film was bad, it was not. Just do not watch it when you are tired! I am tempted to watch it again just so I can take it in again, but what I did take from it was it is a good American gangster western that involved another stand out performance from the ever-impressive Tom Hardy. I am just disappointed about how short Gary Oldman\\\'s role was in it. A film that is worth checking out if you are in to this sort of thing.

The Bad...

\\\'The Wedding Video\\\': 4/10
It just felt a little lazy. If you are in to people taking the mick out of posh English people then you might enjoy this. For me it was just a poorly executed British comedy that seemed to have been thrown together in five minutes. Rubbish jokes and some very mediocre acting. Would definitely not recommend.

The Terrible...

\\\'Keith Lemon: The Movie\\\': 1/10
85 minutes of pure rubbish that I will never get back. First off, I do not mind Leigh Francis and \\\'Celebrity Juice\\\' can be a decent laugh. However, the comedy what he uses for the panel show does not translate to a movie, at all. It works for \\\'Celebrity Juice\\\' because he has guests who he can bounce his dirty humour off of. In a film, spread over 85 minutes, it just does not work. This was just a cringe-fest of awful jokes, terrible acting and cheesy celebrity cameos. I would only recommend you watch this film to see how terrible it really is. I do not think I have quite done it justice!